"Sponza Overgrown" (more here)
A discussion recently came up on CGTalk about gamma correction.

Technically, the agenda is already "set" but I could perhaps be flexible?
What do you think? Do you plan to go to SigGRAPH 2008 in L.A.? Would you attend the Masterclass, and if so, would you want to hear more about Gamma stuff? Or would you rather hear about the other things?
Please post a reply to this blog post with your preference.
To be clear: This question is about SigGRAPH in particular. Gamma is a topic I'll be adressing quite a lot here, to the point of making a whole website about it. So it's not like there will be any shortage of online info.
(Btw, I also co-teach on a "HDRI-for-artists" SigGRAPH course)