FXGuide Linear Workflow Podcast

Mike Seymour of FXGuide/FXPhd lost in China
I was recently interviewed by my good friend Mike Seymour over at FXGuide.com about linear workflow and linear compositing in a visual effects context.
You can listen to us ramble on the topic for nearly an hour by right here, or you can read a bit about it and comment here where you can also subscribe to the podcast for more glorious FX geekiness.
In the podcast, I mention Stu Machwitz about 1024 times. You can find Stu's blog over at ProLost.com (He doesn't consider it profound - get it?), and Stu even wrote a very lovely note on his blog in response, very heartwarming, thank you Stu! *wipes tear from eye*
Of course, as is when I ramble several run-on sentences for almost an hour, som errors creep in. After listening to it, I realize I misspaketh on a couple of places (disregarding some grammar snafu's, after all, I'm Swedish, darnit!)
- I incorrectly attribute the creation of the EXR format to Pixar, I of course meant ILM. Apologies to both parties.
- When describing the math of the "screen" composit operation, I say "sum" where it should be "product", i.e. the correct sentence should be "one minues the product of one minus each of the components". Duh. I.e. (1 - ((1 - A) * (1 - B)))
FXGuide and FXPhd

Going to LinearWorkflow.com today isn't terribly interesting, but some stuff is coming up in a not too distant future. I just have other higher-priority work happening right now... stay tuned... :)
And, BTW, don't buy that stupid T-shirt, it's CafePress and it actually came out not-so-pretty.