Here's the thing:
My very good friend and certified "madman" Bob Forward has a site dedicated to downloadable stock pyro footage called Detonation Films.
I've used Bobs stuff in the past, I stumbled there recently and saw that not only has Bob upgraded to HD for a lot of his effects, he has lots more than I ever saw before!
There's explosions, explosions, bullet hits and explosions. There's blood, sweat, and tears. There's debris, theres smoke, there's fire.... there's perdy much anything you'd need, and all available for electronic purchase (w. a lot of cool freebies too)!
And there's also Kabumei, and Bob's other films....
Yes, this man is insane; he lives to blow stuff up, but he is sane enough to keep a camera nearby every time he does it...
So.... I just thought I'd throw Bob a plug, "just coz". And no, he ain't paying me for saying this (although that's an idea... ;) )
I've known this site for a while, it totally rocks!
Yeah, it's a great site. :)
On another note, something I would greatly like read about is how to effectivly combine the mia_materia with the misss_fast_skin-shader for better skin reflections. *hint hint*
Cheers from UK,
Hey, all sortsa hits on my site due to this blog plug. Thanks! Payola sent to the old email addy for you I have in my contacts -- if you have a new one, let me know!
Master Zap, I'm wondering if MR has any support for relief mapping. That really could be the saviour of heavy scenes. AFAIK there's no official support yet though plugin creators seem to support Vray on this but not MR. Any thoughts? Relief mapping seems great...
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